Codefiction - Event Storming Workshop - Video - Türkçe (Bonus : Event Storming Workshop @Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community (İngilizce))

Event Storming Workshop - Bölüm 1 - Temel kavramlar ve event kavramına genel bakış

 "Bu bölümde Barış, Fırat ve Deniz olarak Onur'u yakaladık ve bize Event Storming anlatmasına ikna ettik. Temel event storming kavramlarını konuştuk ve DDD, mikroservis konularıyla olan ilişkisini tartıştık. Sonrasında bir gerçek dünya örneğinden yola çıkarak event storming workshop'ına başladık. Keyifli izlemeler!

Katılımcılar Onur Aykaç Fırat Özbolat Barış Özaydın 

Deniz İrgin"

Event Storming Workshop - Bölüm 2 - Command, Koşullar ve Akışlar
"Birinci bölümde genel olarak event storming'in temellerinden ve event kavramından bahsetmiştik. Bu bölümde event'leri tetikleyen command'lara, constraint/validation'lara ve external systems gibi konulara da girerek gerçek hayat örneğimizi tamamlamış olduk. Keyifli izlemeler!
Katılımcılar Onur Aykaç Fırat Özbolat Barış Özaydın 
Deniz İrgin"


Event Storming Workshop @Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community@Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community

"Event Storming is a collaborative analysis practice that brings together domain experts and developers for a common understanding of the needs to be realized. Conducted in the form of a workshop, its purpose is to quickly discover what is happening in the software domain. Compared to other methods, it is extremely light and intentionally does not require any computer support. The result is expressed in sticky notes on a wall.

As we will be in Remote, Victor & Alexandre will simulate a small event storming session on Miro, so you will have a first approach on this awesome practice created by Alberto Brandolini. ~~~ About the Speakers: Alexandre Cuva, with more than 20 years of international experience, is an Agile Technical Coach, Consultant and Independent Trainer. He has extensive experience in IT, as a developer, architect, and agile coach, in the finance, government, insurance and watchmaker sectors. With almost 4 years of agile leadership in outsourcing, where he was co-founder and CEO of SmartDev LLC, an Agile IT company in Vietnam with about 100 employees without line management using the ROWE practice (Result Office Working Environment). He was also Technical Director at Smartlink SA, a Swiss finance company in mobile payments, where he applied the principles of Lean / Agile Management with Software Craftsmanship teams in Vietnam and India. In addition to coaching, Alexandre Cuva gives training and presentations on Modern Software, Agile, kanban, team dynamics, remote collaboration, happiness, agile leadership, management 3.0, agile transition, agility on large-scale practices. Alexandre Cuva is passionate about technological evolution, Java, C #, Python, Elixir, and JavaScript development techniques, XP and Scrum practices. Accustomed to speaking around the world (XPDay, SoftShake, Agile Tour, ScrumBeer, ...), Alexandre is co-founder of several communities: as Geneva ScrumBeers, Software Crafts Community Romandie, Da Nang (VN) Agile development community and member of the Agile Vietnam committee. LinkedIn : Twitter :  
Victor is a Java Champion and an Independent Trainer delivering intense webinars for dozens of companies worldwide since 2014. His passion is Simple Design, Refactoring, and Unit Testing, about which he regularly talks at top conferences, but also to this community. On you can find his blog, best talks, training curriculum, live masterclasses, and social channels."

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